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            There are a lot of things you can learn from, a book, an informational show, or a website. Of all things one can learn from the most interesting is learning from people. Why do they do what they do? Why can some people BASE jump, while others are afraid of even leaving the house? The career I chose was to me the most fascinating of all psychologies. Forensic Psychology.


            I chose forensic psychology because it takes an objective approach, to be effective you must be able to step away from your own opinions, and see things from a different and sometimes disturbed angle. It’s a job where the hard working and creative thinkers can excel. It also doesn’t hurt that the money is good and is a subject in which I hold personally. A few years ago my best friend killed by another person. He was a great guy and I have always wondered why so many good people like him tend to be the victims. I believe the fastest way to the answer is to study the source of the crime. It won’t be a career that will take over my life in any negative way. I love to submerge myself in things that require deep, analytical thinking. Studying the psychology of criminals would be a career that wouldn’t burden me in anyway. I don’t have much family and don’t plan on having one of my own anytime soon.


            I also believe that forensic psychology will bring extra challenges. An example is that even after school, more training will be required. Along with those challenges also comes the possibility of having to search for a job, or stand out from your peers. I enjoy the extra pressure placed on you, when you have to compete. Obviously not from the stressful part, but it is always nice to know your good at something. It will also be nice knowing that you will be paid, and pretty nicely, for going into work and learning something new or different every day that you go in. You would also be almost guaranteed a steady job, because creative thinking and human ingenuity is something that cannot be phased out by machines, and since crime happens everywhere it can’t be outsourced. People open restaurants because people will always eat, unfortunately people will always be violent, and some will make poor choices, and that means a steady job for a criminologist.


            The world is a crazy, interesting place, but the craziest and most interesting thing in it will always be the people. Maybe one day the world will evolve past violent crimes and we will erase arbitrary lines and become one, but that doesn’t look like it will happen in my lifetime, so the best I can do is try to understand it. Forensic psychology dives into some of the deepest, darkest recess of the human mind, and brings to light a lot of subjects that need to be. Maybe with a deeper of understanding of why people do what they do, especially when what that is, is a violent crime; then maybe we can reach that place where we all are one.



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